Saturday was a FULL day. Messiah rehearsal in the morning, BYU football game, Bohemian Brewery for dinner with friends, and karaoke night at Emily's with more friends. But I LOVED all of it- esp the 55-7 victory BYU had. It makes singing the fight song that much more fun :) And there was a lot more kettle corn left over after because we didn't eat it when the came was getting to tense or disappointing.....
Backtracking to the Messiah, I tried to get a hold of my friend the night before to make sure we were still going together because she wasn't sure. But she didnt' respond to my calls or texts (turns out she was at her parents and her phone was at home) so I called the next morning to ask my Mom for a ride. Here is how the conversation went down.
MOM: Are you OK? (thinking, why are you calling at 6:30 am, what's wrong?)
ME: I'm fine. Can I get a ride with you or Dad to messiah this morning?
MOM: Dad's already at the temple but I can pick you up if you're willing to go early.
ME: OK. What time should I be ready?
MOM: 7:30
ME: So... in 5 minutes (the time was 7:25)
MOM: No, in an hour
ME: Um, Mom. It's 7:25
MOM: (shock and panic)
Somehow her clock had gone to daylight savings on (friday night) and she thought she still had an hour. So, if I hadnt' called she would have missed the whole rehearsal! And she's one of the people in charge..... As we were driving there (after a mad dash to get ready and still look beautiful) which she did. She commented, "That phone call was a tender mercy. Heavenly Father was looking out for me." Indeed. Well said, Mom.
Then it was my turn. My brother dropped me off at home after the game and I called him about 5 minutes later when I couldn't find my keys and my roommate was gone for the day. My mom used to have a spare key but then i gave it to my roommate when she moved in..... My keys weren't in his car, but he was kind enough to take me back to my Mom's house, where we'd been earlier. I got my keys, they were right where I left them and then he was kind enough to take me home. Again. Again, Heavenly Father's hand was involved. And I'm so GLAD for my knowledge that He is involved in the details of our lives!!!!
January '25
4 days ago
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