Sunday, March 22, 2009

New Faves

Here are some "new faves" I have discovered recently.....
1. Socks from DSW.
OK, this one makes me chuckle because I never used to care about socks. In fact, I used to have the unofficial motto of "matching socks are overrated." But then, I discovered socks at DSW. They have a multitude of colors, some even have a weave, and best of all, they take much, much longer to wear out. I never knew that good socks could complete an outfit so much.....

2. Jeans from the "Vanity" store at the mall.
Instead of generic jean sizes they are sized according to waist size and leg length. I have jeans that fit enough to be flattering but not so form fitting that I can't wait to take them off. In fact, I can wear them all day. Love them!!!

3. Pre-chopped/stir fry chicken.
I get mine at Macey's. I love to cook but it is really rare that I cook with chicken breasts. Usually I take a pkg of chicken breats, defrost them, then chop them and cook them. But now.... I just defrost and cook- it's like chicken prep heaven! Today I made fajitas (for you Debo!) and chicken noodle casserole.

4. Buying hair straightener cream from the salon instead of just a brand at the drugstore. OK, so this may not be for everyone, but if you have seen my hair, especially just after I wake up, or just after it's been blow-dryed- you know why this is a must for me. Thank you to April, my stylist, for suggesting it to me!

I hope to add to this list in the future... feel free to add to your own suggestions for "new faves" in the "comments" I would love to hear your ideas!

1 comment:

cherilyn said...

my new favorite is caramel popcorn. do you like it? i'll send you the recipe if you want.:)