Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Why it's a good thing Preschoolers can't sue......

I've mentioned "Colton" in previous posts. Never a dull moment with him.......

Yesterday he was riding a trike outside on the playground when he completely ran over each of the five toes on my left foot. I guess it got him off balance because after he passed over my foot he tumbled off the trike. Don't worry, he was fine :)

His reponse: He turned around and yelled: HEY TEACHER!!!! YOU MADE ME FALL OFF MY BIKE!!!! Sure. Never mind that my toes got trike rash......

My coworker and I believe that he has a definite future as a defense attorney. His favorite phrase at school is "But teacher........" Can't you see him in a 3 piece suit, standing before the judge saying, "But your honor my client......"

So yes, it is a good thing that preschoolers can't sue for causing them to fall off their bikes, refusal to let them exercise (doing pull-ups on a heavy filing cabinet) not being able to practice faux-karate. Oh yeah, and he also thinks he is fluent in Spanish after watching episodes of "Go, Diego Go!" My favorite phrase he uses is "wapido" (rapido)

Of course, I suppose it's not preschoolers I should be concerned with, but rather over protective parents. But in this case, I think I'm safe, too......

1 comment:

Cher said...

ha ha ha. wapido.