Sunday, April 6, 2008

Always something to enjoy....

Not matter what the daily circumstances of the day are, for me right now, it's trying to balance work, school, church, family and social life (and I am the one who chose to take those on) there are always things to be enjoyed. Here are things I enjoyed today:
-Watching baby Grace smile at me
-Asking Jacob if I could borrow his sweater (it was adorable!) and him saying he'll give it to me when it grows to be my size!
-Feeling so comforted and at peace during general conference.
-Eating a really good ham (not all of it- I ate it in slices)
-Going outside in spring-type clothes and not freezing
-Laughing at myself
-Visiting with Jessica and Katie about boys, friends and what to do after high school
-Singing one of my favorite hymns "How Firm a Foundation" and they sang all the verses

Any many more, but its getting late!!!

1 comment:

Aimee said...

I always think about the bi-annual Family Conference Party this time of year, and it makes me miss home!

My mom said it was a smashing success this year, so I hope everyone had a great time!