Monday, February 3, 2014

Gratitude for 2/3/14

Grateful for.......
-spontaneous roommate trip to Ikea
-picking out a new couch at Ikea
-eating potato chips & dark chocolate from Ikea
-kind texts from friends & family
-really good curly hair day
- my student telling me (we were discussing sledding) you can't go sledding! You're too old, you're 84!
-making homemade pizza (kinda) I bought the pita crust
-ability to walk
-roommate who wrapped up said pizza and put in fridge after I forgot. Thanks, Emily!
-making all my bus and TRAX connections

1 comment:

Marc and Miriam Deru said...

Way to go sledding! I don't think I've been sledding in 4 years. It's time to get out there again! And congrats on a new couch! That's so fun :)