You try to do a good thing (like support a ward date activity) and where does it get you??? Well, in my case it did NOT get me a good date but it did give me lots to laugh about!!!!
Tonight's activity: a shoe box dinner. Girl provides a main course for two, guy brings drinks and dessert for two. All the girls bring one spare shoe and the guys randomly select a shoe and get the dinner and the girl (for the night) that belong to the shoe. Simple. Easy. Harmless. Fun.
The guy that got my shoe is not in my ward, he was there with a friend. One of the first things that I said to him after we sat down, trying to put him at ease, was "It's nice to meet someone new." His response: "Why? Aren't the guys in your ward good enough?" What does one say to that?????
Other such gems:
That a girl should not marry "only" a returned missionary because if a girl is not willing to go on a mission- why should she expect that of a man?" Ummm... because the prophet has stated it is optional for women??? Perhaps he missed that conference talk? He did admit that most of his dates have ended soon because he and the girls got into debates about this.
He will not marry before age 30 because there is too much he wants to do with his life, and if he doesn't marry in this life, it's OK. Apparently the "over 30 and a menace to society only applied in Brigham Young's time".....
He kept asking me about my interests and the 5th time around in exasperation I said, "What are you looking for?" Apparently getting an MA degree, having lived in two Aisan countries, cooking, training for a half marathon, was not interesting enough. As he said, "I just can't believe that those are you only interests. I want to learn about EVERYTHING." So what do you think I do in grad school, anyway? Paint my nails? Honestly!
Granted, I was witholding information from him. He kept asking why I chose teaching and there is a fabulous story to go wtih that, how after being diagnosed with a brain injury I wanted to help kids like me... but I wasn't about share such a part of myself that I didn't think would be respected. I just told him that I wanted to be a teacher from the time I was small.
He also asked me point-blank, "Do you ever get tired of being single?" I told him that I did want to get married but I chose not to dwell on being single, he nodded his head in approval. The one thing that seemed to meet his approval. Wahoo.
So this e-mail is riddled with sarcasm (something I may need to repent of later) but honestly! C'mon say it with me.... WHO DOES THINGS LIKE THAT?
For the record, the date was so awful it was absolutely hysterical! AND.... Wednesday night was one of the best dates ever, and ended in plans for a second date. But that's all I can say for now.... Stay tuned!
January '25
4 days ago