A list of Random Things I have done lately.... While being knocked out with a nasty cold..... Is it funny how something like a cold can suddenly make you feel so tired and un-energetic.... Or is just me??????
1- finally got my bill pay account straightened so that the money from my bills will come from my checking acct instead of savings. At first I didn't realize that's where my bills were being paid from, (including a large tuition bill) so I had too many withdrawals, major overdraft and my account closed, so I had to go re-open it. Yeah. Good times. I'm human, it happens :)
2-Continued the inner debate about whether or not I like my new haircut. It's not bad, but it's more of a bob and I wanted an A-line. Right now it's a bit too "fluffy" for my liking. It's the same stylist I've gone too and loved her work so who knows why this time was different? Sigh.
3-I'd post a picture and let you be the judge of the hair but I need a new camera and I have a lack of motivation to take only halfway decent pictures. Perhaps I'll get a new camera during Black Friday sales. The important thing is that it's better to have a full head of hair than to have no hair at all, right???? Perhaps I'm just picky. Or vain. Or perhaps both :)
4-Endured the stomach knots as BYU finally pulled out with a win against NM
5-Sat in my nice comfy IKEA chair. Often.
6-Managed to find a missing glove so now I no longer have to go out in public with mismatched gloves. But I might do it anyway. It's kind of fun :) I was born with some of "glove repellent" I can never keep track of a pair for more than a couple weeks. The same with watches- which is why I havent' worn one in YEARS. A cell phone doubling as timepeice works just fine for me! Now I need to find my missing white hat with the awesome ear flaps and tie- all I want to do is be warm for the winter!!!!! Seriously.
7-Blew my nose with a lot of force from my diaphragm (sp?) and gone through LOTS of toilet paper. Perhaps next time I should invest in a high-quality handkercheif?
8-Thought about spell checking diaphragm but then decided against it because perhaps it's one of those classic misspellings that adds character to a blog post.
9-Enjoyed some graham crackers and dark chocolate chips. I like to eat dark chocolate-chocolate chips because it's good for my health, right?
10- Made out a Christmas list for my mom- (at her asking) Usually I just go shopping for chlothes and shoes and jewelery with my mom (there's the vain-ness again) but I decided to add variety to the list this year: a food dehydrator so I can save from buying dried fruit at the store, a journal with personality (no solid colors with a "journal" label for me!) the biggest loser cookbook.
11-Rubbed lots of lotion on my dry palms that now strangely resemble roadmaps with lots of white lines and cracks. Hmmmmmm........
The End. Thank you for reading.
Lulu is 18!
1 week ago