Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Happy with a Hose

Today I had to go to the dentist to get a cavity filled. Not yay. But having a neck pillow while I the chair? Yay. Having stuff attached to my teeth to hold it in place and subsequently sticking out of my mouth? Not yay. Watching the princess bride with headphones while they worked on my teeth? Yay. 

In other news, I now own a hose. A 25 ft green with gold stripe beauty. No more filling and refilling a water pitcher. I'm hoping my garden will thank me :)

Today I laid out all my clothes and shoes for upcoming Peru trip. Mom is coming over soon to go over it with me. I asked her to. It's Winter in Peru now. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pen to Paper

It has been awhile since I took pen to paper in the form of a journal/record keeping. But I received this cute notebook from a parent and tonight I recorded the days events, in my own handwriting. I'd forgotten how good it felt!

In other news.... I love the blog app on my iPad. Makes it much easier. Something else I loved today? Zucchini fries form B&D Burgers. Mmmmmm......